Design websites such as haraj

Design websites such as haraj

The design of a site such as Harej means the site known to all its wonderful possibilities, and you can also modify it according to your desire and specialization of your work. Haraj site contains many sections such as the Department of cars, real estate, equipment, animals, animals and the general section and can be increased these sections in an endless manner. The most important feature of the forest ease of use and deal with, through the site can the user to display the products he wants to sell or even request a specific service easily, and then communicate with people who want to buy or provide service and then agree on the price.

Haraj website design features

تصميم موقع مثل حراج بشكل احترافي ومميز

Professional and distinctive design

Design your store professionally and distinguished and the colors are modern and suitable with the activity of the site.

تصميم موقع مثل حراج متجاوب وسريع ومتوافق

Responsive Design

The website is designed and coined to show your location through the mobile in a simple and easy to browse for mobile devices, which helps to browse the site from everywhere and at all times.

الشعار او اللوجو هو علامتك التجارية وهو الرمز الذي يظل خالد في ذهن العملاء

Logo design

Your brand is the symbol that remains in the minds of customers, so we design your website logo for you and your business, which helps your store to upgrade.

التحكم فى صلاحيات المشرفين

Add administrators

Add more administrators and control the powers of supervisors, managers, and department roles.

اضافة عدد لانهائي من المنتجات بموقعك

Infinite products number

The possibility of adding an infinite number of products and the possibility of the emergence of an infinite number of images for one advertisement.

اضافة عداد الزوار لمعرفة الزوار المتواجدين بالموقع الالكتونى

Visitors Counter

Add visitor counter to find out how many visitors are on the site and how to show and hide the site.

تصميم موقع مثل حراج بلة برمة php

PHP programming language

The site is programmed in the best programming languages ​​and is a language PhP An open-source language so that editing and development is easier in the future

لوحة تحكم خاصة بالأعضاء لتسهيل اضافة الاعلانات بالموقع

User Control Panel

A user control panel to facilitate the addition of ads and product images and a description of each product.

تصميم موقع مثل حراج بخاصية الاعلانات المميزة

system of distinguishing advertisements

The possibility of distinguishing some ads and showing special ads on a special page and also appears next to the special announcement is a special announcement.

اضافة خاصية الختم المائي على صور الاعلان لحفظ حقوق الموقع

Adding a watermark

Adding watermarking on the image of the advertisement to save the rights of the site can be activated and stopped through the control panel.

نظام التعليقات فى موقع الويب الخاص بك

Comments system

The ability to comment on advertisements to know the details, while providing places to communicate with the advertiser easily through mobile numbers or Watsp.

خاصية القائمة السوداء والبحث في القائمة السوداء لضمان عدم التعامل مع هذا المعلن عن طريق رقمه


Blacklist feature and blacklist search to ensure that this advertiser is not dealt with by his number or mobile number.

امكانية التبليغ عن الإعلانات المزورة

Notification System

The possibility of reporting the advertisement which helps in reducing false, immoral and other advertisements.

اضافة نظام الرسائل الخاصة بموقعك الالكترونى

Private messaging system

A special message page that displays incoming and outgoing messages with the possibility of responding.

خاصية المشاركة عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعى بموقعك

Share via Social media

The possibility of sharing ads on social sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

تصنيف الاعلانات بموقع الويب الخاص بك

Classification system

The possibility of classified ads by province, city or district.

بحث شامل يحتوي على قوائم البحث بالموقع

Advanced Search System

Comprehensive search contains search lists for each type of sections in the site Add.

تصميم موقع مثل حراج بصفحة خاصة للأسئلة المتكررة

Frequently Asked Questions page

A special page for frequently asked questions to make it easier for visitors and customers to solve their common problems or to respond to queries as well.

Why choose Eltamiuz to company to take responsibility for designing a site like Haraj?

  • Unique and distinctive designs.
  • We do all tests and tests on all pages to ensure that browsers support.
  • Programming in the best programming languages ​​and modern technologies used.
  • The control panel is easy to use and allows you to control the site completely.
  • Technical support is provided around the clock.
تصميم موقع مثل حراج Haraj

Haraj website design Offers

Start2500 SR

  • PHP programming language
  • Unlimited number of products
  • Comments system
  • Blacklist
  • _______
  • _______

Medium3500 SR

  • PHP programming language
  • Unlimited number of products
  • Comments system
  • Blacklist
  • Message system
  • Hosting 10 GB

Applications7500 SR

  • PHP programming language
  • Unlimited number of products
  • Comments system
  • Blacklist
  • Message system
  • Unlimited Hosting and Android Application

Action Steps


We will start implementation as soon as you agree on the requirements and time frame that suits you


The Test

We will test every detail of the project to make sure that all your applications have been fully implemented.



We launch the project to work after you are fully satisfied that your success is part of our success.


After Delivery

After continuous delivery delivery and technical support for a full year free from Corporation Eltamiuz


Send A Message

Now you can easily write your e-mail and mobile number and send us your inquiry or request. We will reply to you in less than 60 minutes or contact us directly.

    24/24 Technical Support

    Online Support
