Design Commercial identity

Design Commercial identity

The identity of the business is the link between the customers and the users of your site, it is the basis of the success of any company large or small, so the design of your company’s identity is unique and distinctive is our goal and create a brand that helps your company to enter the market and to occupy a good position among the competitors as a result of study and research activity The company and study competitors to come out with a distinctive and meaningful.

Characteristics of commercial identity design

تصميم الشعار لشركة أو موقع إلكترونى


The design of the logo of a company, an electronic site, a body or a shop … is very difficult and not simple until a professional logo is reached representing the company and its idea while at the same time the taste and efficiency of design

هو وسيلة لإكمال الشكل العام للشركة و ينفذ من ورق مقوى مطبوع بتصميم خاص بشركتك

The pulverizer

It is a means to complete the overall shape of the company and is implemented from cardboard printed in a special design for your company and contains inside the inner pockets with a place to put the personal card

الكروت الشخصية مهمة لهوية نشاطك التجارى


Personal cards are one of the most important means to make access to you easy, despite the development of means of communication, such as mobile and the Internet, but the personal card is still one of the most important means of marketing and communication, especially if the design is designed specifically draws attention to others

ورق المراسلات والخطابات مهم للأفراد والمؤسسات والشركات التجارية الخاصه والحكومية

Correspondence paper

Paper correspondence or letters is important for individuals, businesses and private and government companies to give an impression of the company’s activity.

تصميم ختم خاص بشركتك أو مؤسستك بكل احترافية


Design a stamp for your company or organization with all professionalism from your logo to be used in your own signatures and to prevent your papers from theft and forgery

تصميم عقود خاصة بشركتك او مؤسستك يحتوي العقد على الشعار والسجل التجاري


Designing contracts for your company or organization The contract contains the logo, trade register, trade registration number and items and makes it easy for you to agree with your customers

تعبر الاظرف عن نشاط الشركة و يجذب العملاء لها


The envelopes reflect the entity of the company and attract customers to it, and all the company’s data is placed in these envelopes, so that the customer can refer to those data when needed

تصميم وتنفيذ المجسمات والهدايا والمواد الدعائية للشركات

Promotion gifts

Design and implementation of models, promotional gifts and promotional materials of high quality and renewable ideas.

تصميم مذكرة او مفكرة كتابة لتدوين الملاحظات والافكار

Small note

The design of a small note can be written in which the notes and ideas are presented as a gift and contain the means of communication with the company and be a propaganda for the company as well

Why you should own a business identity for your company!

Business Identity is all the publications of the company or company that are designed in a distinctive and similar manner to all publications in terms of colors and main shapes, making it easy to distinguish your commercial publications once you look at them and is also the unified form of all your commercial publications that give a good impression to your customers when they see your publications

خدمة تصميم الهوية التجارية للشركات والمؤسسات لتسهيل التواصل مع عملائها وتميزها عن الشركات الاخرى

Offers corporate identity design

Small Projects900 SR

  • One model of the logo
  • personal cards
  • Contract Form
  • Single size envelopes
  • Business Card
  • _________

Medium Projects1200 SR

  • Three models of the logo
  • Personal Cards – Correspondence Paper
  • Contract Form ـ support
  • Envelopes 2 sizes
  • Business Card
  • __________

Special2000 SR

  • 7 models for the logo
  • Personal Cards – Letterhead Paper – Folder – Small Note
  • Contract Form ـ Support ـ Seal ـ Bill
  • Envelopes 4 sizes
  • Business Card
  • Promotion Gifts ـ Stickers

Action Steps


We will start implementation as soon as you agree on the requirements and time frame that suits you


The Test

We will test every detail of the project to make sure that all your applications have been fully implemented.



We launch the project to work after you are fully satisfied that your success is part of our success.


After Delivery

After continuous delivery delivery and technical support for a full year free from Corporation Eltamiuz


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