Design of an electronic store

Design of an electronic store

Design of an electronic store, The identity of the business is the link between the customers and the users of your site, it is the basis of the success of any company large or small, so the design of your company’s identity is unique and distinctive is our goal and create a brand that helps your company to enter the market and to occupy a good position among the competitors as a result of study and research activity The company and study competitors to come out with a distinctive and meaningful.

Features of an electronic store design

تصميم متجر إلكترونى بشكل احترافي ومميز والوان عصرية ومناسبة

Professional and distinctive design

Design your store professionally and distinctly The colors are modern and suitable with site activity

تصميم موقع متجاوب وتكويد متجرك الإلكترونى بحيث يظهر موقعك من خلال الجوال بطريقة بسيطة

Responsive site design

The site is designed and coined to show your site through mobile in a simple and easy to browse for mobile devices, which helps to browse the site from everywhere and at all times

نظام التسجيل الالكترونى والعضوية بمتجرك الالكترونى

Registration and Membership

Add the electronic registration system and the membership of the site by registration by email and mobile number and each member can save his data

عرض المنتجات فى متجرك الإلكترونى بطريقة احترافية

View products

Display the products in a very professional way to be a distinct problem and be light in downloading and you can through the management panel control the products and other you want to appear in the Home

سلة المشتريات من اهم الاضافات بمتجرك الإلكترونى

shopping basket

The buyer adds to the products he wishes to purchase related to the site’s payment gateway that you can link to any company offering electronic payment service

قسم يعرض الصفقات اليومية الخاص بمتجرك الإلكترونى

deal of the day

This section displays the daily deals of the site and this section attracts visitors always and is followed daily by members

عدد لانهائي من الأقسام لمتجرك الالكترونى

Unlimited sections

Adding an infinite number of sections makes your site easy to use for the visitor to reach the product you want to buy easily

قسم يعرض المنتجات الأكثر مبيعاّ مما يساعد فى بيع المزيد من المنتجات

Most Sales

This section shows the best selling products which helps in selling more products

ربط المتجر الإلكتروني بطرق الشحن المتعددة وضبط الاوزان على المنتجات

Multiple shipping methods

Link the online store to multiple shipping methods and adjust the weights on the products until the invoice is issued correctly to the customer

تقييم المنتجات المعروضة على المتجر وبيان آراء العملاء

Evaluation system and customer opinions

An evaluation of the products displayed on the store and the views of customers and can be through the control panel to delete the comment or stay within the product

ميزة روابط المشاركة بموقعك ومتجرك الالكترونى

Social Media

The possibility of sharing the products on the site through social networking pages, then advertise your products

عمل كوبونات تخفيض تساعدك على جذب العملاء وتحقيق مبيعات أكثر بمتجرك الالكترونى

Discount Coupons

Make discount coupons that help you attract customers and achieve more sales. All stores we design will add a discount coupon to the product you select or choose.

طرق الدفع الالكتروني على متجرك

Electronic payment methods

You can receive money from customers from the sale of your site by linking the site multiple payment portals

شرح وتدريب على استخدام لوحة تحكم متجرك الالكترونى

Explanation of control and training

We offer a detailed explanation of how to use the online store control panel, explain how to add products and sections, and train them to make sure you can easily manage your store.

خدمة ما بعد البيع وتسويق متجرك الإلكترونى

After-sales service

We provide you with the support and consultation that will help you to manage your store perfectly. We offer you marketing plans and strategies that grow in the store and make it profitable for you.

Why You Should Own An Online Store From An Enterprise Eltamiuz ?

  • Because the idea of ​​designing an electronic store is one of the strongest ideas and projects in the present era serving e-commerce projects.
  • Excellence Foundation has an experienced team in the design of electronic stores, which ensures our customers success and speed of achieving gains.
  • To display, sell and also market new or used products such as electronics, clothing, appliances, shoes, accessories, fashion goods, women’s products or any other products that transform your site into a clothing store, electronics store, clothing store, fashion store or private store.
  • Start today by designing an e-shop from your Excellence Foundation.
تصميم متجر الكتروني لنشاطك التجارى او شركتك

Electronic Stores Offers

Start1500 SR

  • Custom design for your store
  • Responsive design with mobile browsers
  • Unlimited number of pages and sections
  • 5 GB Hosting
  • In Arabic
  • ________

Medium2400 SR

  • Custom design for your store
  • Responsive design with mobile browsers
  • Unlimited number of pages and sections
  • Hosting 15 GB
  • In Arabic
  • ________

Applications5900 SR

  • Professional design for your store
  • Responsive design with mobile browsers
  • Unlimited number of pages and sections
  • Unlimited hosting
  • In Arabic and English
  • Application for shop on iPhone and Android

Action Steps


We will start implementation as soon as you agree on the requirements and time frame that suits you


The Test

We will test every detail of the project to make sure that all your applications have been fully implemented.



We launch the project to work after you are fully satisfied that your success is part of our success.


After Delivery

After continuous delivery delivery and technical support for a full year free from Corporation Eltamiuz


Send A Message

Now you can easily write your e-mail and mobile number and send us your inquiry or request. We will reply to you in less than 60 minutes or contact us directly.

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    Online Support
